Saffron in Uruguay + Saffron price in Uruguay

Saffron price in Uruguay

Also, if you are looking for saffron in retail in Uruguay, there is no problem; But you should know that the price of saffron in retail in Uruguay is slightly higher than the wholesale price of saffron in Uruguay. The price of saffron per gram in Uruguay is 4. This price may also change today.


Saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


Also, in the table below, you can see the price of saffron in Uruguay in terms of kilos and grams.


The price of saffron in Uruguay per kilo 2,950
The price of saffron in Uruguay per gram 4


The red part of saffron in Uruguay is more important than the white part, because when this product is offered, the white and red parts are sold separately.

This is our saffron in Uruguay:


saffron price in Uruguay


It can be said that none of the parts of this plant are disposable and it has many uses. It is interesting to know that excessive consumption of saffron causes bleeding in the digestive system and even animals such as sheep do not eat this product because it causes them to perish.


Iranian Saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


The price of saffron in Uruguay depends on the price of the country exporting saffron to Uruguay. Saffron in Uruguay is mainly imported. In the Uruguayan market, most saffron is imported from Iran. Iranian saffron has gathered a lot of fans all over the world due to its high quality.


The price of saffron in Uruguay per kilo - Ana Qayen saffron


Selling saffron in Uruguay

But we can tell the price range of saffron in Uruguay. The price of saffron in Uruguay is 2,950 per kilo. This price may change today and you should contact us via WhatsApp to send you the exact price of saffron in Uruguay.


Selling saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


In the meantime, if you are from another country, you can see the price of saffron anywhere in the world on the Saffron Price per Kg page. Also, in addition to bulk saffron in Uruguay, we also offer saffron in the form of suitable gift packaging. We definitely recommend that you visit the Buy Saffron online page.

If you are looking to buy saffron in Uruguay, you can easily buy up to 500 grams of saffron from Uruguay through the section below and we will send it to you in less than a week.



If you are looking to buy saffron in Uruguay as a gift, you can easily find over 30 types of saffron in gift box through our shop and the section below and we will send it to you in less than a week.



Saffron in Uruguay

Saffron is sold in 5 types in Uruguay. If you are not familiar with the types of saffron, we suggest that you read the rest of the article. The type of saffron is one of the influential factors in the price of saffron in Uruguay. For example, Super Negin saffron has the highest price among the types of saffron due to its high quality. On the other hand, Konj saffron in Uruguay has the lowest price.


Suppliers of saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


Price of saffron in Uruguay

Another factor determining the price of saffron in Uruguay is the place where saffron is grown. As mentioned above, Iranian saffron has a very high quality due to the climatic conditions and soil in Iran.

Iran is the largest producer of saffron in the world. Statistics show that 90% of the world’s saffron is produced in Iran. In Iran, Qaen city has the best saffron among the saffron of other cities; The good news is that the main office of our company is located in this city. So there is no need to worry about the quality of our saffron.


Price of saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


Suppliers of saffron in Uruguay

As you can see, Ana Qayen saffron is one of the largest suppliers of saffron in Uruguay, we can deliver saffron to you in one working week. We can send Iranian saffron from Dubai to Uruguay so that it reaches you as soon as possible.

There is no limit to the size of your order and you can even order a ton of saffron per month. For example, in the video below, we sent 150 kilos of Iranian saffron to one of our customers in Kuwait.



Let’s answer 3 frequently asked questions about saffron in Uruguay.

1- Is saffron cultivation possible in Uruguay’s climate? Saffron cultivation can be challenging in Uruguay due to its temperate climate. Saffron thrives in regions with a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. While it may be possible to grow saffron in controlled environments or microclimates, widespread cultivation might be limited by Uruguay’s weather conditions.

2- Can saffron be commercially produced in Uruguay? Commercial saffron production in Uruguay may face significant hurdles. Saffron is a labor-intensive crop, as each saffron flower produces only a small amount of spice, requiring hand harvesting and processing. Additionally, the cost of production, including labor and infrastructure, might outweigh potential profits, making large-scale commercial saffron farming less feasible in the country.

3- Where to buy Iranian saffron in Uruguay? We are (Ana Qayen Saffron) one of the biggest suppliers of Iranian saffron in Uruguay. Check our website to see our offers and saffron prices in Uruguay.

Iranian Saffron in Uruguay

In the following, we will briefly describe the types of Iranian saffron in Uruguay. To get to know the different types of saffron, be sure to read the article on different types of saffron.

Saffron Dasteh in Uruguay

Saffron Dasteh in Uruguay is the main strand of Iranian saffron. When the farmer picks the strands of the saffron from the petals, he dries them and puts them together. The top part of these strands is red and the bottom part is orange. This type of Iranian saffron is graded as the 4th grade and the overall color of this type is between 120 to 150 units. The price of this type of saffron is the lowest.



The price of saffron in Uruguay per gram - Ana Qayen saffron

Poushal Saffron in Uruguay

In Pushal saffron in Uruguay, if the farmer cuts the stigma from the part lower than the red part, it is called Poushal saffron. In this type of saffron, you can see a yellowish strand. This shows that the saffron is genuine and therefore many people trust this type of saffron more (However, if you trust the brand’s name, Sargol and Super Negin are better). This type of saffron has an overall color of between 170 and 250 units.


Price of saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


Sargol Saffron in Uruguay

In Sargol saffron in Uruguay, If the farmer cuts the top red part of the stigma, it is called Sargol saffron (which means the tip of the flower in Persian). Therefore, this type of saffron is all-red. The overall color of this type of saffron is between 210 to 260 units.


Suppliers of saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


Super Negin Saffron in Uruguay

Super Negin saffron in Uruguay is actually a type of Pushal saffron. if the farmer separates the thick strands of red stigma, this type of saffron is produced. Many companies use this type of saffron for export and have the best appearance and color among all types of saffron. Ana qayen also uses this type of saffron for export.


Iranian Saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


This saffron has an overall color of 230 to 270 units. It is worth mentioning the production of this type of saffron is a bit difficult and time-consuming, yet the stigmas are long and thick which is alluring to the customers.

Konj or White Saffron in Uruguay

As you studied earlier, saffron has two parts: Sargol (stigma containing three branches) and root (cream). The main part is red and is famous for Sargol (which means the tip of the flower in Persian). The white part attached to the end of the Sargol is called the saffron root or white saffron. The color of these strands is light yellowish-white. Saffron root is also famous for Konj saffron.


Saffron in Uruguay - Ana Qayen saffron


In the voice below you can hear about saffron in Uruguay.



About Ana Qayen in Uruguay

We are a supplier of Iranian saffron in Uruguay and we supply saffron from the best fields of saffron in Iran. It should be mentioned that nearly 90 percent of saffron in the world is produced in Iran. We have also an agency in Lyon, France and you can also buy our saffron in Europe.

Apart from saffron, we also supply other products from Iran including pistachio, rosebuds, Mazafati Date, and barberry. If you want to buy any type of product from Iran, we can supply you. You may contact us via the Contact Us page or WhatsApp. Also, you may see our different saffron packaging on our Buy Saffron online page.


Ana Qayen saffron


When you want to buy saffron in bulk, you should be sure about the quality of the saffron that you are buying. Our saffron has got a European certificate from the SAI CHIMIE lab which is one of the most famous labs in Europe.


Ana Qayen saffron


Also, our saffron is packaged in different and luxurious packages. You can see our different packing below. You can buy saffron in bulk with these packages in our online shop. You can also find us on social media via InstagramFacebookLinkedinPinterest, and Youtube. In the following, you can see our different packaging of saffron.

Ana Qayen saffron Ana Qayen saffron



8 thoughts on “Saffron in Uruguay + Saffron price in Uruguay

  1. Good evening, I’d like to inquire about something. Can you provide information on the Price of saffron in Uruguay ?

    1. Good evening! The Price of saffron in Uruguay varies, but generally, the bulk price is around €2,950 per kg, and the retail price is about €4 per gram. Let me know if you need more details

    1. Sure! The price of Saffron in bulk is €2,950 per kg, and in retail, it’s €4 per gram. If you’re looking for Saffron in Uruguay, let me know how I can assist you

    1. Hello, thank you for your inquiry! We are pleased to inform you that the price of saffron in Uruguay is 2,850 euros per kilogram. For those interested in smaller quantities, the price is 3 euros per gram. Our saffron is renowned for its exceptional quality, offering superior taste, aroma, and color.

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