Saffron price in Lebanon + Buying saffron in Lebanon

The price of saffron in Lebanon

The price of saffron in Lebanon is never fixed and is constantly changing. But if we want to say about the price, we can say that a kilo of saffron costs 2,840 in Lebanon. This is the price of large saffron in Lebanon. If you are looking for smaller quantities, no problem.

The price of a gram of saffron in Lebanon is around 4. These prices may change today, and to know the exact price of saffron in Lebanon, you must contact us via WhatsApp or the form above.


saffron price in Lebanon


Also, in the table below, you can see the price of saffron in Lebanon in terms of kilos and grams. Remember that prices are approximate and may change.


Zafran price in Lebanon per kilo 2,840
Original saffron price in Lebanon per gram 4


The price of saffron in Lebanon - Ana Qayen saffron


You can also see the price of saffron in Lebanon in the table below.

The price of saffron in Lebanon per kilo  3000 dollars
The price of saffron in Lebanon per gram 4 dollars


Nowadays, a spice called saffron is used in every meal and ceremony due to its great taste and aroma, and apart from being used in cooking, it also has other uses, including its uses in tea, ice cream, and cookies. the food is…

The wholesale saffron in Lebanon has a purple flower and has 6 petals, which have a purple and white part inside this flower.

Buying wholesale saffron in Lebanon can be a great deal for you. Saffron in Lebanon is among the best in this market which has many followers and this popularity is due to its high quality and reasonable price.

Wholesale saffron in Lebanon has made it much cheaper than other centers in terms of price. In the following, we will introduce this center and talk about saffron in Lebanon.


Iranian Saffron in Lebanon - Ana Qayen saffron


Saffron shopping centers in Lebanon

Saffron does not need a specific climate to grow and grows well in cold, dry regions. But the quality of the saffron planted in Lebanon is markedly different from that of the saffron planted in Qaen, Iran.


If you are looking to buy saffron in Lebanon, you can easily buy up to 500 grams of saffron from Lebanon through the section below and we will send it to you in less than a week.



If you are looking to buy saffron in Lebanon as a gift, you can easily find over 30 types of saffron in gift box through our shop and the section below and we will send it to you in less than a week.



The quality of saffrons from this city (Qaen) is very high and this factor has made this product famous in domestic and foreign markets. It is important to know the centers that sell saffron in Lebanon, and all buyers look for these centers. Our center is one such center where you can buy first-class saffron in Lebanon at high quality and reasonable prices.


Saffron in Lebanon - Ana Qayen saffron


We have a branch in Lyon, France, and Dubai, The UAE and if you are looking for saffron in Lebanon, you can easily place your order and receive your order in the shortest possible time.

You can easily experience a good purchase with Ana Qayen saffron, and in addition, our advisers will be able to guide you. Our site also offers the latest information on saffron in Lebanon.

Iranian Saffron in Lebanon

Ana Qayen saffron operates online in Lebanon and the advantage of our store is that you can see all our products on the Buy saffron Online page. You can also see the price of saffron on the Iranian saffron price page.

Ana Qayen has been present in France, The UAE, and Iran for many years, and the good quality of its products has satisfied its customers and its regular customers, which has also made it famous among the people.


Bulk saffron in Lebanon - Ana Qayen saffron


Bulk saffron in Lebanon

By buying bulk saffron in Lebanon, buyers make a very good profit and can buy this product at a much better price than in other centers.

If you have any questions about the mode of purchase, the quality, and the price of saffron in Lebanon, you can discuss them with our advisers. Our experts will answer your questions and help you to consciously have a good and pleasant shopping experience with us. You can communicate with our saffron experts in Lebanon via WhatsApp.

Buying saffron in bulk in Lebanon is a great offer for you to buy this unique product at a very reasonable price, so don’t miss this offer.

Saffron suppliers in Lebanon

As you know, Ana Qayen saffron is one of the biggest suppliers of saffron in Lebanon. If you live in Lebanon and are looking to buy saffron in Lebanon, you have come to the right place. What do we mean when we say one of the biggest providers? For example, in the video below, we sent 150 kilos of saffron to one of our customers in Kuwait.




Why is saffron precious in Lebanon?

Saffron in Lebanon is known as red gold, and the best type of saffron is found in South Khorasan and Razavi, Iran. It should be mentioned that our head office is located there and all saffron in Lebanon is harvested in this area.

Saffron has the highest production quantity in Iran and is known in all countries of the world. This plant is very sensitive and grows in certain climatic conditions, which is why it only grows in a few limited countries.


Saffron suppliers in Lebanon - Ana Qayen saffron


It takes a lot of labor to prepare a kilo of saffron, and it needs to be cleaned quickly. This means that its high sensitivity causes heavy damage in many cases. Harvesting this product also requires a lot of effort from the farmers.

Iran is considered as the largest producer of saffron, it can be said that 90% of the world’s saffron is grown and produced in Iran, but a country like Spain uses modern packaging methods to export Iranian saffron at a higher price.

The red part of the saffron is more important than the white part because when this product is offered, the white and red parts are sold separately.

It can be said that none of the parts of this plant are disposable and it has many uses. It is interesting to know that excessive consumption of saffron causes bleeding in the digestive system and even animals like sheep do not eat this product because it causes them to perish.


Wholesale saffron trade in Lebanon - Ana Qayen saffron


Wholesale saffron trade in Lebanon

As mentioned, wholesale saffron in Lebanon is very common, as its price is lower. Also, if you are looking for a gift for your loved ones, you can see our suggestions on the buy saffron online page.

You can also hear about saffron in Lebanon in the voice below.



About Ana Qayen in Lebanon

We are a supplier of Iranian saffron and we supply saffron from the best fields of saffron in Iran. It should be mentioned that nearly 90 percent of saffron in the world is produced in Iran. We have also an agency in Lyon, France and you can also buy our saffron in Europe.

Apart from saffron, we also supply other products from Iran including pistachio, rosebuds, Mazafati Date, and barberry. If you want to buy any type of product from Iran, we can supply you. You may contact us via the Contact us page or WhatsApp. Also, you may see our different saffron packaging on our Buy saffron online page.

price of saffron in Qatar

When you want to buy saffron in bulk, you should be sure about the quality of the saffron that you are buying. Our saffron has got a European certificate from SAI CHIMIE lab which is one of the most famous labs in Europe.

price of saffron in Qatar

Also, our saffron is packaged in different and luxurious packages. You can see our different packing below. You can buy saffron in bulk with these packages in our online shop. You can also find us on social media via InstagramFacebookLinkedinPinterest, and Youtube. In the following, you can see our different packaging of saffron.

price of saffron in Qatarprice of saffron in Qatarprice of saffron in Qatar



8 thoughts on “Saffron price in Lebanon + Buying saffron in Lebanon

    1. Thank you for reaching out. The price of saffron in Lebanon at 2,850 euros per kilo and 3 euros per gram. Please let us know if you have any other questions or if there’s anything else we can assist you with.

    1. Thank you for your inquiry. The saffron price in Lebanon is 2,850 euros per kilo and 3 euros per gram. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.

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